Why can’t we believe Morgan was murdered by her stalkers?

MorganspeacesignWe have established how they entered the house. Forensic professionals have established how she was killed.  Doctors and Medical Examiners have verified her death was not Natural Causes but Homicide. And the “contracted” part time Forensic Pathologist of Garfield County changes her death to Suicide after nine months and three threats to Morgan Jennifer’s mother.  Will that change the truth of Morgan’s murder?  Her killer’s hope it will, but it is doubtful at best.


What Does It Mean When You Have To Lie? Protecting a Stalker/Murderer?

Morgan always with her camera

Morgan always with her camera

On Twitter, Morgan has an account called Morgan’s Stalking.  It started as a further way to raise awareness of the true horror that stalking is.  The account had other uses as well.  For people who wanted to know when a new post came out by a “tweet”, this was the only way to do that.

Well one of the followers posed a question to a person talking about Morgan on the Internet and was told in the simplest of terms that  Keenan VanGinkel was never named in the Sheriff’s reports, more specifically he was never named as a suspect.  Lie!  Short answer, Lie!  Long answer – Lie!  Get the picture?  And then I ask, why would you have to lie?

I now see an end to the lies, for those that are interested in the truth anyway.  After numerous requests I finally have some of the official records from the Sheriff’s Department and none yet from the Coroner’s office.  And please don’t offer to share yours with me, that is very nice, but unless it comes straight from the source how can I honestly represent that this is what their reports really include?

Now an avid reader of the blog, and supporter of Morgan’s cause tells me about other sources of reports out there that can be accessed.  Many others exist, but those are behind passwords, and not so easily accessed.  So this one set of records that can be accessed is 75 pages long, and the website admits to redacting the reports to remove some of the content.  Are these the same records that are being represented to never mention Keenan VanGinkel or Keenan VanGinkel as a suspect?  Is that how this works now?

So there exists a set of reports wrapped in such sincere claims of honesty and truth, that is 75 pages long.  Lie number 1 exposed – just the supplemental reports that I have are 220 pages long.  Wouldn’t you say that 220 pages down to 75 pages is one heck of a lot of redacting?  And as to lie number 2, Keenan is never named in the reports,  for the record, in the full 220 page “unredacted” version, Keenan VanGinkel’s name is mentioned at least 214 times.  Not zero – two hundred and fourteen. And that is not the shocking part of the reports, just the sound of a few lies hitting the floor.

But why would you lie?  Why would you feel the need to alter the Sheriff’s reports so greatly, my Nana would know, she would say that if you have to lie, think, maybe you are doing something wrong!  If you have redacted Keenan VanGinkel’s name from your reports and you then represent that his name is never mentioned in the reports, that is not a clever half-truth – it is a lie, but as I said before that is not the shocking part.

What I find shocking in the reports that I do have is that as I go back and forth from my notes to the reports, there are incidents not reported in the incident reports, completely missing.  Until the process is complete, I can’t be absolutely sure what exactly is not there, but at this point I will tell you that there appears to be quite a few incidents of what was purported to be felony behavior by Keenan VanGinkel that is not a part of the supplemental reports at all.

I refer to the 2010 revision of the Stalking Statues of the State of Colorado – 18-3-602 (7) A peace officer shall have a duty to respond as soon as reasonably possible to a report of stalking and to cooperate with the alleged victim in investigating the report.

Now, if there is no supplemental report, then how do we know what the investigation required by statute consisted of?  When the Sheriff sends a Deputy out to “take a report” what does that mean?  I would think there would be writing involved in “taking a report”, wouldn’t you?

Perhaps it will all to turn out to be innocent, and there will be reports that were mistakenly not forwarded to me as a part of the package containing “all of the Garfield Sheriff’s Reports pertaining to Morgan Jennifer Ingram” or maybe I do have all of the official reports.  That of course will mean that some of the felony stalking incidents reported to the Sheriffs did not rise to the level of a report becoming, well… a report, and believe me the ones I know off the top of my head that are missing definitely should be in there – they are very important incidents.

One way or another it will all get worked out over this excruciating period, and what I believe will only become more and more obvious is that a group of people have endeavored to lie on behalf of Keenan VanGinkel.  Starting with claims that his name is not mentioned in the Sheriff’s reports, not once.  Not really, as we all know now, at least 214 times.  And if you really want to know that 214 does not count emails, texts, phone conversations, 911 calls, calls to dispatch, in person conversations with Deputies and Detectives, etc., etc.  There was a suspect, and his name was Keenan VanGinkel, he rose to the level of a suspect that certain officers were 100% sure of.

Unfortunately it appears that in opposition to Morgan’s Blog about Morgan’s stalking there will be lies told, to protect stalkers is the only reason I can come up with.  I believe, without a doubt, they are lies told to protect the perpetrators of the felony crimes committed against Morgan Jennifer.  Why else would there be such a need to lie?  And on such a regular basis?  And to lie so completely in opposite of the facts, why?

Not that Keenan was mentioned less than a hundred times, when the truth is he was really mentioned at least 214, that is too close to the truth for some who wish for, and evidently need a complete cover-up of the truth.  So, these protectors of stalkers and peeping toms go all the way from at least 214 times (the truth), to zero, none, never (a complete lie). So here is a suggestion that may help, and goes to my idea of a truth.  If you come across a website dedicated to Morgan’s memory, good or bad, and there is not a name associated with that website, ask yourself why?  Never a real name of real people – just ask why?  Could be its Keenan himself writing a story about how he was not even here, ever.  And yes, I have heard about the one with a person’s name, and that the person does not even exist, she is someone else entirely, well that person too – just ask why?

In my life I have seen interviews with a perp that we watched from the victim side of the one way glass, and I will tell you that they lie.  Oh do they lie – they lie, and lie, and lie.  Criminals questioned, and lying seems to go hand in hand.  Especially criminals, caught and in fear that there is no way out – they lie, far more times when it is a do-or-die situation for them.

If a person or group has to resort to redacting out over half of the Sheriff’s reports along with every mention of Keenan VanGinkel, or Brooke Harris before they are satisfied that they really have the “truth”, why?  Haven’t you taken the Sheriff’s best estimate of the truth, and turned it into a lie?

The truth never changes.  If it takes 220 pages for the Sheriff’s to tell a part of their story, then how can it be shortened by 145 pages (by others on the Internet trying to say that Morgan was not stalked or murdered), and then every instance of Keenan Vanginkel and Brooke Harris has been removed, and then what do you have, really?  How can all that be removed and then an attempt be made to pass it off as the truth, when in reality it is one big lie?  This isn’t the first time this has happened to victims (I know many other victims who have shared their horrific stories), and I’m sure it won’t be the last, very unfortunately – blame the victim(s), redirect people’s attention, keep the real criminal out of jail, and above all else, lie… there are many psychological reasons people do this, but the bottom line is they are protecting a criminal.  Sometimes a murdering criminal!!!

And now as Easter 2013, with all its wonderful moments that are now such precious memories, has passed us by, and Easter baskets filled by the Easter Bunny, with all the little goodies that are still fresh in our minds, here’s a moment of thanks from Steve and I to all of you who oppose stalking, all of us can really change the world to be a better, safer place, – we know it now.  in less than a year the arrests of stalkers continues to mount, Steve and I wish for it to include Morgan’s stalker, voyeur, and murderer,  but for now we wait, satisfied with arrest after arrest of criminals, and another victim saved.

I especially want to say thank you for all of the kind thoughts, and loving memories of Morgan shared over the weekend. And as a last thought I read a “tweet” that said, “Like Jesus Christ who died for our sins, Morgan Ingram died for all stalking victims” – to that, both Steve and I say as long as there is breath in our bodies, Morgan’s legacy shall be there to help save victims of stalking in any little way that we can.

And Nana, this is twice I have used your name and your advice, so again I get to say, “I love you Nana.”  And I like how that works out.


And Tessie says – Goodnight, it’s been such a weekend!