The Voice of the People!

darksnowyrdWhen I originally created the petition entitled “Colorado State Governor John Hickenlooper: We want Morgan Ingram’s felony stalking investigation to be investigated by the Attorney General of Colorado,” I thought of collecting 100 signatures, now with all your help we quickly passed that goal; we are left with only 40 more signatures to go and we will have reached 3,000 signatures.

We will soon send it on to the Governor of Colorado.  Amazing!

To view the petition, click here: – Morgan’s petition to Governor Hickenloper 

I have read each and every comment that people have written in answer to the question, “Why is this important to you?”  I always cry when I read all the comments – they touch my heart, and let me know people really do care.  They care about Morgan, they care about what this has done to our family, and they care about their own safety, and the safety of their families…they want there to be justice and accountability in Colorado!  I promise you all this is not over…this is just the next big push.  Steve and I will NEVER give up fighting for not only Morgan, but all other victims and families of victims of stalking and oppression.

Today I would like to start posting some of these comments so all of you can read them as well.  I will start with some of the comments from people that live in Colorado (but I won’t post their names), and I will continue on later in the week with more from Colorado plus other states and then other countries.

Wouldn’t it be great if the Sheriff of Garfield County Lou Vallario would uphold the law and protect ALL citizens of the County?

“Why is this important to you?”  Read below to see some of the responses to this question – these comments are all from different individuals in Colorado, I have not included any repeats:

Thornton, CO – I have a young daughter and this would be my worst nightmare. If we don’t take a stand against someone like this, they will only get worse!

Rifle, CO – I’ve followed this case for some time. I think her and her family deserve justice and closure, as for the rest of us in the valley. As a young woman myself.

Rifle, CO – Help this family find justice!!

Colorado Springs, CO – This is an issue that can no longer be handled so lightly.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I knew Morgan and her friends. The community and those affected deserve justice for her sake and theirs.

Aspen, CO – she was my friend!

CO native – She was my friend.

CO native – Morgan Ingram was a dear friend of mine, and I desire the safety and sanity of others who may become victim to this horrible crime.

Newcastle, CO – This girl and her family deserves justice, I feel that everyone should be accountable for what they do.

Basalt, CO – I’m signing because this girl was among the most internally beautiful I have ever met, and everyone she met was lucky to have met her. I’m sickened by this whole situation and even if there’s a shred of hope the stalker will be caught I’d do anything in my power to make sure it happened. So signing this petition I guess is the only way to do that. And stuff.

Rifle, CO – It’s the just thing to do

Denver, CO – Stalking needs to stop. Please help the victims of this crime

Silt, CO – I care

Carbondale, CO – This case was improperly handled and investigated.

Carbondale, CO – I’m a victim.of a current stalking case in garfield county. Changes need to happen

Carbondale, CO – This is a local case, that I believe was not properly or thoroughly investigated

Carbondale, CO – Because I live in the same Valley as Morgan and I believe that a lot of cases go “unsolved” in the area

Aurora, CO – i dont want this happening to my daughters

CO native – I am resigning this and I will continue to resign until the case is reopened!!!!!

Carbondale, CO – because her family and friends deserve to have her death taken seriously and there is a creepy murderer still out there to cause more devastation

Basalt, CO – I have a beautiful daughter and I would never want to have this happen to our family.

Carbondale, CO – I knew Morgan Ingram and know that she was being stalked and victimized. I know also that Morgan would NEVER take her own life. What is wrong here needs the assistance of those who can really make a difference and not just wish for it. Please help.

Calhan, CO – Stalking is a threat and we should be protecting our citizens and prosecuting perpetrators.

New Castle, CO – This is important to me because a young woman with a documented felony stalking case was found dead in her own bed and yet it was not treated as a crime scene. Officials from the responding officers, to the EMTs, to the county coroner dropped the ball and mishandled this case from day one. I’d like to think that living in a small town doesn’t mean we have to tolerate complete incompetence in our govt agencies.

Federal Heights, CO – Laws need to be enforced, we need to change the laws and better train law enforcement on how to handle these cases. Morgan and her family deserve justice!

Parker, CO – It is obvious that a miscarriage of justice has and continues to occur. A young woman is STALKED, living in fear and mysteriously dies. Every victim of a crime should be able to have complete confidence and trust in our local enforcement agencies. If I feel threatened in any way my fear should not be discounted because YOU just don’t have the time to make it a priority. I AM THE PRIORITY first and foremost and if my local law enforcement agencies cannot or are unwilling to help, then please tell the victims of stalking what exactly they are to do when law enforcement doesn’t take the victims fear seriosly? Stop passing the buck and blaming bureaucracy. Take ownership and actually work for the people!!

Carbondale, CO – There are too many unresolved issues here.

Aurora, CO – Thanks..about time!

Pueblo, CO – Justice for Morgan! Reprimand & investigation of local law enforcement & county coroner. Very poorly handled case with obvious suspects.

Carbondale, CO – Morgan deserves it. I love and miss her so much

Greeley, CO – This detective and coroner failed to do their job and I truly believe that this was a homicide.

Alamosa, CO – I live in Colorado & also dealt with a stalking situation for so long. I was forever changed by it, and am incredibly grateful that the person was caught & charged before either of my kids & I were physically hurt.

Gunnison, CO – Mistakes were made but this is the life of a young woman who suffered greatly. We must be the change we want to see in the world!

Newcastle, CO – Morgan was my classmate in ballet for 2 years up until her death. Our class witnessed her suffering during the time she was stalked. We can’t believe that the people responsible for this crime will go free because she died. Please consider our petition. This is a very serious concern and a very bad mark on our area and the whole state of Colorado if it is ignored by those who have the power to investigate.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I know Morgan’s brother and I feel that they desever to know the truth and justice needs to be served

Golden, CO – This should be important to everyone! I know what I went through in high school when someone was, by definition, stalking me. I cannot imagine the stress and frustration that this family endured. Also, I have a daughter who is a young woman. I want her to be safe from this type of crime.

Newcastle, CO – Accountability is necessary ensure freedom and safety.

Glenwood Springs, CO – Morgan was a friend. I KNOW she didn’t kill herself. She deserves justice.

Westminster, CO – No one should have to deal with this type of behavior and not have a proper investigation when the key person winds up dead! We got Justice for Jessica, Morgan Ingram and her family deserve the same!

Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado – I live in the Roaring Fork Valley and have experienced the flawed justice system myself. I am around Morgan’s age as well and would like to see justice be served to finally bring closure to her family and Morgan herself.

Glenwood Springs, CO – Because I know Morgan wouldnt have just ” died or commit suicide” there was definitely foul-play and it needs to be investigated i have never been more shocked to here someone died!

Glenwood Springs, CO – Morgan was a good friend. Details of her passing are suspicious and should be investigated. The facts shouldn’t be swept under the table just because the departments in Glenwood Springs wanted an “easy solved case”.

Carbondale, CO – Justice for an amazing young woman!

Greeley, CO – Morgan deserves Justice.

Parachute, CO – I was stalked and harrassed for nearly 3 years. Its almost ruined my life. I felt foolish to call in and report being followed, flipped off, or stared at, or called over 50 times a day. There was a lot going on and since she, yes SHE, was not caught in the act it was hear say. I finally confronted her when I was pregnant, she pushed me so I fought back, and guess who ended up being the criminal? I did. I got a restraining order on her and learned to call the cops every single incident. She had family that were cops so they knew the justice system. No matter what I did, I could never get 2 steps ahead and at some point I realized I was no match for evil, she was really good at it! The judges, police, etc., never took anything I said seriously. and obviously thought I was making some of it up. Some how they lost the evidence in my case where they took a picture of the 4 inch gash on my chest from when she was pushing me (when I was pregnant), the police report said that she was issued a ticket as well as me but she never got one. I talked to many attorneys and none would take my case on because it was just a disorderly conduct case. But to me that was huge, to me this nightmare was never ending. They did give me a little advice and told me to ask the DA for copies of the pictures and ticket and all the evidence. That is how I found out they didn’t have it. Good thing I had a copy of the police report that said it. This didn’t save me but it ended up helping. The lawyers also recommened a speedy trial to get it over with but I would have to plead anything but not guilty to get this. I had to suck up my pride. At court they could not provide evidence of her attack against me, they could not explain why the police report said she got a ticket but did not giver her one. The judge asked to postpone it until right around my due date so I asked for a speedy trial. I told her I was guilty of disorderly conduct but not Assault and battery. My stalker/harrasser tried to push the charge into assault and battery. The judge accepted and just extended a restraining order for a month. Within a few days of court I had to stop at the Rifle police station and report my stalker was threatening to show up where I was. I had no choice because the judge gave my stalker all the power by saying that I needed to stay away from her and if there was ever a time when we were around each other it would look worse on me. The police officer supposedly called her and told her to stay away from me. She stopped following me and flipping me off but if I did see her in public she was always testing how close she could get to me and yell something as she walked away. And I just had to keep on like my life normal. I didn’t talk about it to people because I didn’t want to provoke her and most people didnt understand. She never threatened to kill me but she definitley made my life hell. Stalking needs to be taken a lot more seriously.

Basalt, CO – Because I believe this innocent woman was murdered.

Carbondale, CO – I believe there is enough information that this case should be further investiged. Or investigated because it never has been.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I knew Morgan. She was a wonderful young woman and NO family should EVER have to experience what the Ingrams went through. I am disgusted with what Law Enforcement in our area has done or not done for that matter. JUSTICE FOR MORGAN!!!!!

Carbondale, CO – I knew Morgan from a dance class and her case cries out for justice that thus far has been absent. Particularly the cruel re-issuing of a death certificate of suicide with no additional evidence. Shame.

Aspen, CO – I am a 20 something female who was born, raised and currently reside in the roaring fork valley. this is a terrifying event that absolutely needs to be further investigated for the safety of other girls in this valley. no question.

Fort Collins, CO – To find justice for Morgan

Silt, CO – I wouldnt want this to happen to anyone in my family. Being a friend with Morgans sister-in-law, I have hope and believe that this family needs the closure and justice they deserve!

Palisade, CO – Justice for Morgan!

Craig, CO – This is important to me because I believe she did NOT do this to herself, she deserves justice, and her killer needs to pay for what he did!

Grand Junction, CO – This is important to me so Morgan’s family can find closure, whoever is responsible for her death will be held responsible, and Garfield County will make needed changes to their laws and policies.

Carbondale, CO – It is extremely disturbing that Morgan Ingram’s stalking and murder occurred in our community. I simply don’t understand how the stalker’s rights superseded the rights of this beautiful and vibrant young woman. The case of her stalking should have been opened immediately and taken seriously by our local law enforcement from the get go. The details of her case and autopsy need to be scrutinized by the CO Attorney General’s office. Please bring justice to Morgan Ingram and her family. Please investigate our local law enforcement’s practices and create the change needed to better protect our communities.

Snowmass Village, CO – Whether or not the Ingram’s are correct in their estimations of what happened to Morgan, I don’t know. However, it is 100% assured that GarCo Sherrifs and Coroner blew this case. It NEEDS outside review, no question.

Denver, CO – I have been following Toni Ingram’s blog about her daughter’s stalking and I believe strongly that the evidence warrants a fair and honest appraisal by another law enforcement agency.

Carbondale, CO – The police didn’t even try. They were too busy getting a new bullet proof cop car to protect themselves and not the people. Justice for Morgan and her family.

Silt, CO – It sounds like nothing was investagated. And if anything was it was done wrong. I don’t feel safe living in this county. Now, not only do I fear the criminals but the cops as well. WE NEED CHANGE!!!

Newcastle, CO – Because I live in the valley where Morgan lived. I want to keep my child and other children in the area safe. I also want to see justice for Morgan’s family

Glenwood Springs, CO – Garfield County arrests us for ANYTHING this guy should go down!!

Grand Junction, CO – same state!

Carbondale, CO – this family deserves justice! they were so vigilant and still could not save their daughter. it is a tragedy that they have to go through even more in addition to the loss of their beloved child.

Franktown, CO – To support the Ingrams, get justice for Morgan and stop this from ruining another family.

Newcastle, CO – this is the town I live in, we deserve to know what happened, and if something did happen, people need to be prosecuted!

Meeker, CO – It’s time crimes against women were taken seriously.

Basalt, CO – It’s criminal that this can happen and not be investigated

Carbondale, CO – This is important issue in our community and her stalker needs to be brought to justice.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I would hope that this case will be reopened by you Mr. Hickenlooper. Where is the justice? Thank you.

Castle Rock, CO – Justice For Morgan!

Glenwood Springs, CO – It’s scary how LE got away with not doing their job and no one keeping them responsible. With my own daughter on the way and living in the same county, i can’t even imagine what the Ingram’s have been and are still going through. They, and Morgan, deserve for this case to get the proper attention and closure.

Silt, CO – Because it could happen to anybody.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I would like to feel safe again in Colorado.

Delta, CO – Having been on the receiving end of stalking I can understand the fear behind it happening. To simply drop a case because you can’t catch someone is ridiculous, actions need to be taken to give the family a form of closure as well as to make an example to others who would do the same to others. This person needs to be caught and dealt with properly otherwise our law enforcement is little more than a joke to the world.

Denver, CO – Justice for Morgan

Monument, CO – Morgan was a victim of a horrible crime that seemed to be overlooked by law enforcement. There is a killer on the loose that needs to be dealt with before he takes another life.

Denver, CO – Closure for family & justice for Morgan!

Silt, CO – Do you really have to ask?

Silt, CO – Garfield county has a very large problem with not taking stalking/domestic violence crimes seriously…I always said someone would have to die…now someone has and they are STILL NOT doing the right things. Fix this Mr Governor. Thank you.

Aspen, CO – If there is some one on the loose who wants to kill people he should be caught BEFORE he kills again. Not after.

Carbondale, CO – The truth

Carbondale, CO – Feeling safe in my own valley is important to me. The police failed this girl. I never want to see this issue again.

Carbondale, CO – It seems that our laws have strayed very far from what I beleive their purpose was intended to be. Perpetrators of crimes appear to have far more rights than their victims and this fails to protect one’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Aurora, CO – I grew up in that town and things like this happen but you never think it would happen in your backyard.

Denver, CO – The only reason Morgan’s case should have been closed in the first place would be because a full investigation took place and there was no reasonable doubt left. HOWEVER, a full investigation did not take place (due to corrupt officials handling the case), and there is still reasonable doubt!!! Morgan deserves justice, and that will only come with an investigation in pursuit of the truth…

Clifton, CO – No individual, parent or family member should have to endure such tragedy. Law enforcement should be given the authority, tools and education to be able to proactively handle such a circumstance. It is obvious that the family tried their very best and went above and beyond every effort to record, document and assist their daughter in such a horrific circumstance. And in the end….the family’s last 4 months of their daughters life was spent in in trying to prevent the outcome that occurred. I hope that the task force of the Garfield Sheriff’s Department that was associated with this case NEVER has to walk in the footsteps of this family. Please assist the family in their grief and open the case, assign special investigators and do your best to bring justice for the loss of Morgan!

Silt, CO – The manner of Morgan’s death following a period of being terrorized by person(s) unknown should have been an immediate red flag to authorities to conduct a more intense investigation regardless if her death was determined to be suicide or homicide…ultimately either would make the stalker culpable. Yet, to determine a person who has shown no suicidal tendencies has committed suicide because of a drug in her system…without a clear indication of how the drug got there…is irresponsible and a blatant disregard for justice. Especially as the drug in question has been used nefariously in similar, documented cases. The least we can do as a community and State is to have the original case re-opened and a renewed effort made to solve it. What could it hurt? Someone’s pride and ego? Which is worth more, ego or a life? We as a community want this further investigated. We will not complain that tax dollars have been used to do so…because we would expect the best from our law enforcement if it were any of our children.

Carbondale, CO – She was a sweet girl.

Rifle, CO – I would hope that if something like this ever happened to my daughter, the Garfield County Sheriff would do a better investigation! Just tragic…

Rifle, CO – In order to move on, we look for answers so we can have closure and ultimately come to peace with this tragedy.

Eagle, CO – This beautiful young life needs justice!

Fort Collins, CO – she is my cousin I had to witness how it destroyed her life

Carbondale, CO – I feel there should have been an investigation for the death of a healthy 20 yr old girl. The way this case was handled frightens me because I live in the same county & I think we deserve well trained & knowledgable law enforcement agencies & I don’t know if ours are up to par lately.

Parachute, CO – The Ingram family deserves a state investigation for all crimes committed, leading up to and including Morgan’s murder.

Carbondale, CO – These are my neighbors, my community. We deserve to know we’re being protected & we can trust our law enforcement. I have children, I’m always concerned for their safety and welfare. Opening this case for investigation will only serve to protect our community in the future.

Golden, CO – I couldn’t bear it if I lost a child to a hienous crime. Aclose friend of mine has lost her daughter recently,those police are being lax in doing the right thing. We need to get these monsters in prison so they can’t take any more lives.

Silt, CO – Morgan and her family deserve justice and closure.

Paonia, CO – because I was a victim of stalking and the police were totally ineffective at helping me.

Carbondale, CO – I live in this area and the fact this girl was stalked by a group, allegedly, and died under unusual circumstances, has me concerned greatly for my family’s safety.

Evans, CO – I am from Carbondale. I never knew her personally, but I knew her through friends and I had met her a few times. She was lovely. — You can’t tell me that there is no connection between the stalking and her death. Even if there isn’t, it deserves to be opened and investigated further.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I have two daughters, and would hope people would want justce for my kids if something horrible happened to them!

Carbondale, CO –  knew Morgan very well, she was my best friend and my girlfriend.

Fort Collins, CO – Because I have morals, and anyone with morals would recognize that this issue was not taken care of. This is a sick story and this poor girl and her family needs justice.

Colorado Springs, CO – Stalking laws need to get even better, maybe this will help.

CO native – Although I currently live in Greece, I lived in Colorado before moving here. I hope to one day return to the U.S.A. and I never want this to happen to myself or anyone else. It shouldn’t have ever happened at all but it did and thankfully this family has the courage to fight, as they should! Morgan deserves peace and justice.

Silt, CO – This case happened close to where I live and I have 2 daughters ages 20 and 22. This is a tragic story that deserves an proper investigation and attention to bring awareness to this serious issue.

Grand Junction, CO – No one should ever have to go through the hell this woman went through much less her family having to cope and deal with this loss.

Clifton, CO – Justice – plain and simple

Thornton, CO – Justice needs to be served. No one should haveto go through what they have been through and go with no closure. Innocent lives have been turned upside down with one life taken and the person who did this walks free. This is not right. Change is needed…

Rifle, CO – If this is indeed a stalker case. I want better protection for my own children. We have been the victims of two separate incidences where there was someone obviously at our house and beating on our window as well. After the police were called there was nothing further. This case tells me that it could have been much worse. my 14 year old daughter could have been another Morgan Ingram. I want to know that if it ever happens again, this case will bring light of how Garfield County Colorado police handle these types of cases

Glenwood Springs, CO – Justice for Morgan and her family and future safety of our children and citizens

Grand Junction, CO – What if it was your daughter Governor?

Carbondale, CO – We all love Morgan and want to know the truth.

Carbondale, CO – We need justice for MORGAN!!

Carbondale, CO – The amount of drugs found in this young women’s system, several of which are known date rape drugs that the victim herself had none of, indicate there was foul play. A full investigation doesn;t seem to have been done, our coronor has no medical trinaing and bungled the job, and her parents deserve the truth

Carbondale, CO – I live in this community and deserve safety and justice from our law enforcement

Westminster, CO – Too much evidence and too much incompetence to let this go.

Glenwood Springs, CO – I live in the same valley, this stalker is still out in my community. Is he done with srtalking? Who is to say, but I have children who need to be protected.

Brighton, CO – This case deserves a second look because stalking is terrorism and this person needs to be stopped. Others are being stalked and stalkers know very few cases lead to any punishment. We need to stand against this. I had someone who harrassed and stalked me and luckily lost interest.

Carbondale, CO – Morgan deserves justice! It is appalling how her case was handled. This was not natural causes and it certainly does not appear to be suicide. Whoever murdered her is still roaming around our town, not the most awesome feeling!

Rifle, CO – This family deserves to have closure!!! Obviously, they took VERY THOROUGH notes on a day by day basis of what was going on, & people don’t just do that, unless they feel something isn’t right!!! I truly feel that this family’s concerns were “brushed under the rug,” & just because you’re in a position of power, doesn’t always mean that the decision is right!!! Plenty of people have had “abuse of power” happen to them – look at what has happened with the Catholic Church & some of the children who have stepped forward in those cases….I think most people want to believe that people in positions of power are “good,” but if we don’t take situations like this one seriously & look into it further, it only makes things worse & if our objective of having laws in place is to “keep order,” then we need to start somewhere!!!

Parker, CO – Because the police failed her and keep failing us.

Carbondale, CO – Why is this important It is important to send a message that staking and terrorizing is a real crime. Police need to be educated and perpetrators prosecuted

Rifle, CO – somebody has to stand up for victims rights, whats the harm in re-opening this investigation?

Silt, CO – justice

Rifle, CO – Its important because i was a victom of a stalker and it should never go as far as this poor girl being murdered!!!!!

Aspen, CO – Morgan was a beautiful, loving person and wonderful friend

Broomfield, CO – This is important to EVERYONE who has kids and want a responsible and legitimate response from law enforcement for such an egregeous crime.

Palisade, CO – To have closure for this family. Justice for Morgan Ingram and to prevent the same thing from happening to another family.

Denver, CO – This is scary. Something happened to her, and we need to figure it out.

Paonia, CO – I have 3 daughters and this story just hits home for me

Carbondale, CO –  feel the family was basically swept under the rug during this entire investigation. There are too many inconsistencies with the coronors reports, etc. not to reopen this case and evaluate the findings again. I do not understand why our local sheriffs office did not do more to help. I live within 4 miles of this and can’t stand the thought that this stalker is still out there and could be anywhere.

Longmont, CO – This is important to me because Morgans family has proof of this person around their house. He needs to be stopped because he may have done it before and may be doing it again.

Denver, CO – There is so much evidence that needs to be reviewed. SO MUCH EVIDENCE.

Lakewood, CO – Known her for a long time. we are from the same area. grew up in the same town. horrible.

Redstone, CO – I have a child and would NEVER want to go through what the Ingrams have gone through. Nobody should have to do that.

More comments to get posted tomorrow…thanks for reading.  Everyone’s voice is important.