More than 200,000 cold cases since 1980

Please click on the link below to read this article.  What an eye opener!

This is so very true!  Morgan’s murder was staged and ruled as natural causes for 8 months, then changed to a suicide…both manners of death were wrong, but it has caused her case to not even be considered a cold case and kept her suspicious death from being investigated. So the bottom line is that Morgan’s case is one of the many cases that is not included in the huge number mentioned below when it comes to statistics on cold cases.

I believe this is one of the reasons that there are so many unresolved cold cases in this nation.  It’s hard to believe, but it does happen – there are many murders, like Morgan’s, that are listed as suicide, accidental or undetermined and then never investigated.  This is not justice for innocent victims.  This is why some murderers are able to become serial murderers.

More than 200,000 cold case homicides since 1980. However, this number does not include murders where the earmarks of staging were missed and where the cases were ruled, suicide, accident, or undetermined.
-Dr. Laura Pettler