One of our readers sent in this information; I thought it would be good to share with you all – the more we are educated about things, the safer we will all be, as well as our children

Please read & share with others in conversation.  Facts and education are key to stopping so many criminals before they can escalate.  Especially for our law enforcement officers.


Most stalkers are what Zona (1993) and Geberth (1992) call “Simple Obsessional” or, as Mullen and Pathe put it (1999) – “Rejected”. They stalk their prey as a way of maintaining the dissolved relationship (at least in their diseased minds). They seek to “punish” their quarry for refusing to collaborate in the charade and for resisting their unwanted and ominous attentions.

Such stalkers come from all walks of life and cut across social, racial, gender, and cultural barriers. They usually suffer from one or more (comorbid) personality disorders. They may have anger management or emotional problems and they usually abuse drugs or alcohol. Stalkers are typically lonely, violent, and intermittently unemployed – but they are rarely full fledged criminals.

Contrary to myths perpetrated by the mass media, studies show that most stalkers are men, have high IQ’s, advanced degrees, and are middle aged (Meloy and Gothard, 1995; and Morrison, 2001).

Rejected stalkers are intrusive and inordinately persistent. They recognize no boundaries – personal or legal. They honor to “contracts” and they pursue their target for years. They interpret rejection as a sign of the victim’s continued interest and obsession with them. They are, therefore, impossible to get rid of. Many of them are narcissists and, thus, lack empathy, feel omnipotent and immune to the consequences of their actions.
Even so, some stalkers are possessed of an uncanny ability to psychologically penetrate others. Often, this gift is abused and put at the service of their control freakery and sadism. Stalking – and the ability to “mete out justice” makes them feel powerful and vindicated. When arrested, they often act the victim and attribute their actions to self-defense and “righting wrongs”.

Stalkers are emotionally labile and present with rigid and infantile (primitive) defense mechanisms: splitting, projection, projective identification, denial, intellectualization, and narcissism. They devalue and dehumanize their victims and thus “justify” the harassment or diminish it. From here, it is only one

9 thoughts on “One of our readers sent in this information; I thought it would be good to share with you all – the more we are educated about things, the safer we will all be, as well as our children

    • I totally agree with your observation! I also believe that it has similarities found within the other neighbors down the road from her. That is why I agree with her that it was a “group effort” in this case. It is a shame that the authorities don’t put these facts together. It is basic math 1+1+1=3 not 1+1+1=0!
      Here is more information on these facts that will send shivers down your spine and make your hair stand on end. Once you read this, you will see why I say it could be a combination of all three of them. The fourth one, the eldest one from down the road, I believe is covering it all up! That makes it 1+1+1×1=3 that did the dirty work and the extra one emphasized the fact!!!

  1. Have you considered that Morgan’s stalker may have in fact been one of your neighborhood “dads” and not K? Perhaps, he was a convenient fall guy for someone else? Interesting read. Thanks, Mrs. Ingram.

  2. I just wanted to say first and foremost, thank you for doing this Mrs. Toni. I don’t think I could think of a better way to seek justice other than what you are doing now with your blog. This story is very scary and it is obvious it could happen to anyone. I fear for your safety and have to ask, are you and your family ever scared that those who have been accused of the stalking/murder in the past will try and do something to hurt you if they feel the accusations in the blog are unwarranted or do you feel pretty safe with Tessa and precious Wylah as your guard dogs? I am at the edge of my seat waiting for the BIG news you have to share with the millions of people reading your story. I know that the impact of it will reach beyond that. Blessings and light to you.

  3. Just watched the episode on Dr. Phil. In my opinion, Brooke’s demeanor and responses make her look guilty as sin! Stone-faced, shows NO emotion or empathy WHATSOEVER…her body language and direction her eyes would go when being asked direct questions by Dr. Phil was to the left. A body language expert would say that this implies GUILT. I also picked up on one more thing… her father expressed empathy and said that he was “sorry for what you are going through”.. but you notice that NOTHING even remotely like that was said by Brooke. I have a theory that she possibly found a way to get these drugs into Morgan’s system before Morgan even got home that night. Through a mutual friend possibly? (Or someone Morgan THOUGHT was a friend) Maybe this person was at the same place with her that night?? Not sure if this is possible because all of the details & timeline weren’t mentioned on the show. But you mentioned being out for 2 hours as well… anything could have happened. All I know is that my gut instincts tell me that Brooke does, in fact, have involvement. Dr. Phil has to say what is “politically correct”, and knows nothing about a woman’s intuition. I truly hope to see the TRUTH come to light very soon!!!

    • I meant to say a body language expert would say that her glances to the left when answering Dr. Phil would imply DECEPTION… which, yes, in this case would mean knowledge of guilt.

      • I agree with you in that ? is involved in this issue. The reason for me saying so, is because of the observations you have made. In addition to that, when Dr. Phil asked her about the issue all she said was “I didn’t kill her”. She never denied any involvement in the issue. I know that if anyone who is completely innocent of any involvement in this case and someone was accusing us of doing so, we would be adamant about defending ourselves. ? just sat there and said nothing more that she didn’t kill her. Leave a bitter taste in the mouth and questions in the mind.

  4. I agree, for the most part, but there are numerous cases of females and middle age and younger stalkers. I didn’t really care for the narrowing of the age/gender, but I guess “most” could fall under that catigory, when infact we believe one or more of Morgan’s stalkers to be females and most involved to be younger than middle aged…. Jmo

I welcome your feelings and ideas on Morgan's Stalking