November 30, 2011 – Day 121 of Morgan’s stalking – busy morning until 12:19 PM

 Morgan’s phone is busy just past midnight this morning. Not the first time in her life, she is a twenty-year-old, young woman, but this is out of character considering the past few months.  At 2 seconds past 12 a person she does not know texts her, it turns out to be quite innocent.  Her friend Nathan, who is just back from Australia, does not have a phone yet, and asked Morgan if he could give another friend her number until he got his own phone, and this friend might be texting, it was just that neither Nathan nor Morgan thought it would be at midnight!

Morgan calls him back and tries to put him in touch with Nathan, but gives up and goes back to sleep.  Another friend of Morgan’s texts at 12:14 AM and teases her about not lending him her sweater earlier.  Morgan answers him and he keeps going on with his texting, but she stops conversing and goes back to sleep.  Unfortunately the stalker must have been outside, and because it seemed he had seen her light on and heard conversation he is now angry.  Morgan thinks this because there is very loud banging at random intervals.  Once it starts up Morgan covers her head with a pillow, and hopes he stops.

As we will find out next year, at 12:25 AM status updates are happening on facebook accounts.  Hannah Hurlocker (?’s friend) happens to be staying with ? just up the street and her wall updates with “ugh I already called you and told you member?”  a minute later Stephen says, “Oh yeah my bad sorry”  Hannah answers, “its osay”  Stephen expands on his answer “Oh yeah my bad sorry But u didn’t tell me what was going on u just asked me to Drop everything and come get you that’s it”  at 12:27 AM Hannah tells him, “enough said”

Also at 12:27 Morgan’s phone rings she answers and hangs up from under her pillow.  It was yet another friend “drunk dialing” her.  He will call to apologize later in the day.

Morgan gives up on sleep, and she gives up on her stalker outside giving up for the night so in a very strange move for Morgan, she gathers up clothes and comes into our bathroom with her puppy to dress.  I hear her and come in to see what is wrong.  Morgan can’t explain it, but feels like something is really wrong.  Her crazy stalker has been banging some wretched beat on her window and she is afraid he will be at it all night so she slipped out of the room and came in to our bathroom to change.  And now she wants to go to a friend’s grandmother’s house for the rest of the night.  She has had a standing invitation, and has only used it a few times, but Morgan knows she is home and her couch is not only warm and safe, but most importantly quiet.  A place to dream happy dreams.

For some reason I think she is making the right choice and I tell her I think it is a good idea.  I walk out onto the porch and watch her and her puppy drive off at 12:47 PM.  I wake up Steve and tell him what has happened – he wants to get up and make sure she makes it OK.  I tell him I have been watching cars in driveways for the last five minutes and nothing has moved, and she promised to text me as soon as she is safely locked up in her friend’s grandmother’s house.

It’s 12:52 AM when I call dispatch.  I tell them what has happened.  She has done this a few times when the stalker is being extra persistent, so this might be a good night to nab him, but before I can explain all that, dispatch tells me the officers just left the neighborhood one hour before because they were investigating our next door neighbor Ken’s house where a robbery occurred early in the evening, but they will come back.  Might not even be an hour.

You would think with a Sheriff’s presence constantly coming and going from our house nobody in the right mind would be breaking in to our neighbor’s house – but I don’t think we have been dealing with people that are in their right mind.

The next morning Steve is watching the cameras and can see the Deputy walk up to Morgan’s window, get down on his knees and inspect something on the ground.  He wonders what he found and wants me to make a note to ask Detective Rob next time I talk with him.  Steve also see’s him on the other side of the house and comments to me that he never even went in the backyard!

At 8:00 AM another of Morgan’s friends had a text message conversation with her about Bluegrass, he can’t believe she won’t go to a performance with him and tattoos, which he believes you have to have before you can express certain opinions.  It is all good natured and fun loving.

Steve meets a crew in the driveway at 8:55 AM and lines out the day for them.  He invites them in the house for coffee, and tells them about the night before.  They are incensed and just want to go take care of this.  Steve tells them that we hear it will be over soon.  None to soon for our liking.

Morgan comes home at 10:07 AM and looks well rested. Steve leaves at 10:10 AM in his truck to run an errand. 10:27 her “drunk dial” friend from this morning texts to tell Morgan he is sorry.  Morgan does not answer him, and works on her room before our doctor’s appointments this afternoon in Grand Junction.

There was a mini van that pulled up the driveway at 10:55 AM and a man came to the front door with a sheet of paper looking for someone in the neighborhood that I had never heard of before.  He seemed to expect that and left, not circling the neighborhood or asking anyone else, just left.

Right after he left Morgan got a text she found uproariously funny.  She is getting very frustrated trying to get her point across to her long ago ex-boyfriend, that she does not want to date him again, she just wants to be friends.  She changed her facebook profile as a joke to say she was in a relationship with a girlfriend of hers at school.  Her girlfriend had just been approached by an instructor who thought it was about time.  It was so funny to Morgan that she was going to leave it for a few more days before changing it back.

Steve loaded the truck with the dogs and our stuff and at 12:19 PM and Morgan was in one of her all time favorite places, crashed out in the back of the truck, and off on a road trip.  A short one, but a road trip all the same. Below you can see a Facebook Post she responded to today.

Today is November 26, 2012 – That day last year seemed so normal.  I mean as normal as having a stalker that hasn’t been caught yet can be.  I have to admit the day this past September when our Garfield County Sheriff went on TV and announced he would NEVER reopen this investigation I was devastated.  And I believed then that Morgan, who had been nothing but a kind giving soul her entire life, was being so unfairly treated.  I am not alone, in private emails, from others in law enforcement, it is a constant question – how could he have said that?  I have replayed the clip many times and there can be no doubt as to what was said and since repeated.  How in the world can you say that?  What if you were presented with an airtight case, with all kinds of evidence to show there was murder…would you still have to say NEVER?

But if he is the Sheriff and he is entitled to make that call – then he has made it.  This just compels us to go up higher to a different law enforcement agency to open this case – we won’t give up,

Now for other victims of stalking, and others who may become victims there is this other unbelievable interpretation.  We were out to your house X times and never saw a stalker, so there isn’t one?  Are you kidding?  Do you think a stalker is just going to sit and wait for you to get there and see him?  I kind of doubt it.  And what about footprints, pictures, videos, eye witness accounts…do they not count for anything?

November 30, 2011 is a perfect example of how that just can not fly.  Morgan gave up on sleeping in her own bed during the early moments of that day.  Terrorized from her room.  The same Sheriff’s department that now claims there was never a stalker, dispatched an Officer that had left an hour ago, and returned 34 minutes later.  Morgan was gone for 39 minutes.  By now we know the stalker most likely was on the roof 45 minutes ago, but where do you think he is now? Honestly?  The deputy searched the ground for five minutes on Morgan’s side of the house, then the other side of he house, never circled the house – if the stalker had wanted to sit on out back porch, the Officer would never have seen him.  No problem, won’t even have to duck.  The Officer then sat in his truck for six minutes before leaving.  End of story – no stalker.

Make no mistake, I am not blaming that Officer at all.  I am pointing out how this is not working.  How this is the plan they have to stop the stalker, and it is not working.  Over 3,500,000 views of Morgan’s Stalking have taken place.  One person – one page – one view.  Do any of those 3.5 million views think that today’s performance almost nabbed the perp, stopped the stalker – I don’t.  Lots of times now, I cry for Morgan, Steve too.  But we have both talked about this so many times, and we cry just as much for other victims of stalking that will call this same Sheriffs department and will get exactly the same as Morgan got – and we wonder, Steve and I, how can anyone involved in Morgan’s stalking not sit back and wonder – is this the best we can do?


39 thoughts on “November 30, 2011 – Day 121 of Morgan’s stalking – busy morning until 12:19 PM

  1. Darling Toni~ its plain as night and day, that that sheriff is covering up
    something and/or his own a$$. None of their comments and speeches make any sense. Like i have said before, GOD will judge all that are involved! I always pray for justice for our precious Morgan and plz know that my prayers are always answered. Praise GOD!!!

  2. I just want to hug you!!! You are an amazingly strong person and I believe wholeheartedly that you and your husband did everything to protect Morgan!!! It is easy for other to say ” why didn’t you do this??” But that is easy after the fact. I am sorry you lost Morgan!! You will see her again.. Happy laughing and in a safe place…HEAVEN!! Thank you for your story!!

    • This is great news and you are right I hope the rest of the world follows suit – thank you for sharing this story with us. Everyone reading this blog please take a moment and read this article. Thanks!

  3. I saw you on Dr Phil and have been obsessed with every detail of you horiffic experience with the stalking of your entire family. I hope you get justice for Morgan

  4. Was there nothing on the cameras of the guy pounding repeatedly on her window? You would think that it would’ve caught something if he was there for so long. I can’t believe how sneaky/skilled these people are. That’s part of what makes it so terrifying.

  5. Toni-Nothing much to say except you’re in my thoughts and prayers daily. I was sad about the Dr. Phil piece and found it hard to watch b/c I did not like how you especially were portrayed. I was worried about that, to be honest. I hope he will do a follow up of some sort of someone else will. What do you think the officer was doing at the base of Morgan’s window? Was there another footprint or something? xo to you as always.

    • That we don’t know we were never told but it is a question that will be asked some day when a new investigation is opened…we have the video of the officer.

    • I feel the same way about the Dr. Phil show. I feel like it didnt portray you the way it should have! I think they should have given Brooke a lie detector test. Its obvious to me that it was her in the camera footage you have. She walked on stage the exact same way she walked in the snow.

      Everyday that we get closer to the One Year of Morgans Murder, I pray that you and Steve will get through it okay. I can only imagine, how you must feel with it fast aproaching. I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers everyday!

      Love and Hugs!

  6. I saw you on Dr.Phil and have been reading your blog since then, I was disappointed in the way the interview went , i was hoping he would have asked for a lie detector test and had gone a little harder on her with his questions. I felt that her body language showed she probably knew more then she was letting on. it also appears that there may be some sort of cover up / conspiracy.

      • how could you say that SHE is in a conspiracy?
        She just wants justice for her daughter, and other victims, we all do. She wasn’t hiding anything, you can’t tell Morgans entire story like that in an interview in less then 40 minutes. Dr. Phil never gave her a chance, immediately he tried to turn it around or get everyone civil like it’s a family dispute argument. it was murder and theirs proof. .. what he didn’t see was their body language. They’re definitely guilty of something
        He did not take it as serious as I thought.

        • I didn’t say Tina was in a conspiracy , i said it sounds like there is a cover up or a conspiracy ( with LE keeping Tina and Steve from discovering the truth and getting Justice for Morgan. ) i meant B was hiding more and thought he (Dr.Phil ) sound have been a little tougher when questioning her . he had no trouble being a bit harsh with Tina (& I totally disagreed with his interview technique ) I also felt B should have been given a lie detector test as i felt that her body language (such as avoiding eye contact with Dr Phil while giving her answers ) i believe her test results would have clearly come up as deceptive.

  7. I stayed up last night reading the Police reports and the Police made no effort whatsoever. They weren’t aggressive or anything. I just can’t believe it. “The lights were on at ?’s house. There was a freshly squashed beer can in the
    driveway with some fluid still in it.”………and…….. “? stated that she was asleep since approximately 2030 hrs. ? stated that her boyfriend K**** was asleep with her as well. ? stated that her father was home earlier, before they went to sleep, but he was gone now and it was only her and K**** at the residence.”………and……..”? said that she doubts that K**** knows Morgan. At some point I heard some what appeared to be a commotion in the residence and I asked her if it was maybe K**** awake and whether I could speak with him. ? made a few steps inside the house, then hesitated and said that she thought that K**** was still asleep.”……..and……..”I gave my business card to ? and we cleared. After we left a grey Jeep Cherokee with a male adult driver and a child in the backseat pulled into the driveway.” Everything that I just listed sure seems a bit funny to me. A freshly squashed beer can, everyone was ‘asleep’, her Dad arriving home. Either her Dad was driving drunk, or they weren’t sleeping. It’s not Rocket Science. How were the Police so nonchalant about all this? Not only this, but EVERYTHING!?

    • I know you can’t imagine how upset this makes me that the Sheriff’s department made no effort at all to get to the bottom of this before we lost our daughter – it should never have happened and I will do whatever is in my power to change the way things are done in the future. I don’t think these officers wanted to go away empty handed – they have to go along with instructions from above. Those that are above should not tie the hands of their officers behind their backs they should assist them in getting warrants, etc. when in hot pursuit. If someone is innocent then it shouldn’t be a problem…the problem occurs when criminal get away with things, over and over again.

  8. The more I read the more I feel N,D, and C are not telling everything they know about Morgans last days…Do you feel like they have been truthful in all this?

  9. i saw the dr phil show too. how awkward to be that close to each other – sitting inches apart and face to face! how did you manage to maintain our self control is beyond my understanding. you are truly a strong woman for that alone. how did u maintain ur composure???

  10. Wow…looks like I have some catching up to do…in the meantime I just want to say that there will be justice…patience is a virtue that is only present in the strongest of souls…and to have not given up yet shows that you, TIngram, are one of the strong ones.

    The person who did this…their heart is aching. There isn’t a moment in their existence that isn’t haunted by their actions. Judgement from a jury of their peers awaits them.Time will catch up with them.

  11. I read your posts everyday. I re-read them often just hoping that some sort of clarity will bring breaking evidence to the surface. In those moments I can see and feel the love that is Morgan and the fire that she had which was given to her by you, her parents.
    Morgan is so alive in your posts, and knowing what is to come I can’t help but find myself wishing with all my heart that the story will have a different ending. However, it is not a “story” and the “ending” will be exactly as I wish it not to be. I can’t help but HAVE to believe that you and your husband and most especially Morgan were put on this Earth for something so much more that you all were expecting. Morgan is now a FORCE, a POWER, a FACE to change something that is so wrong and you and Steve are the commanders of a chance to make an immense difference for the masses. The pain of reliving this has got to be next to nothing even imaginable for your family and though drawing strength from your precious Morgan I hope that you all find some comfort and rest over the next several days as nearing the 1 year mark is sure to be emotionally more than anyone could ever “prepare” for. I still feel that there will be a break in the case and that justice will be served and that through something so dark a light will shine and it will be Morgan leading the way out of the darkness for so many who are suffering terror as she had.

      • I think that it is horrible what happened to Morgan. She was a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders. Do you really think she would have dated a murderer? Or that Steve and Toni would have welcomed him into their home if they had the slightest hint to his integrity. I think they deserve more credit than what is being implied about Morgan’s ex

  12. I dont know if anyone has asked this but were you a dancer or artist (are) also? Writer? Your blog sounds professional and since your daughter was so right brained/talented and this blog is so artistic in many ways it makes me wonder if she got that from you? Do you work in the arts? Your other daughter is a costume designer? A lot of talent in a little family!

    • Maya thank you for your kind words – our whole family are artists, but I am not a writer I think it’s just Morgan coming through, I just take good notes 🙂

  13. Does that piece of jewelry have a message you can translate for us please? I, too, wonder if the friends that last saw her know something more than they shared. Hopefully they have told you everything they know and it will come out in your time. Thank you for sharing with us.

  14. How do people have access to reading the police reports? Wasn’t the case reopened? Or did I follow I correctly? Every time I see a new post in my email I am not excited and scared. If your not a writer, maybe you should be. I now writing for me comes put the best when I’m writing about real life experiences but you do a very good job of putting out there especially for not having an editor. Thank you and will be praying. Best wishes.

I welcome your feelings and ideas on Morgan's Stalking