Words from beyond…

cloudyroad I woke up this morning with an image being shown to me (I don’t want to reveal that image right now) along with a “feeling of being told something.”  The something I was being told was, “—— (I will leave out the name, but that person knows who I am referring to), Heaven and earth are coming for you, as well as those who helped you, and are still helping you – there is no where you can hide.”  To me this meant that the truth will be revealed with help from this dimension, as well as another.

This came through to me as a strong, powerful statement.  Whether or not you believe in divine intervention or not doesn’t change the fact that this really did happen, I did not make it up and it was powerful enough of a “vision” or message for me to feel the need to post about it.

Many people do not believe – they are skeptic and their dogmas, and fear get in the way, but most people do dream and sometimes they remember their dreams or visions.  I believe when you are in a “dream state” it is a much easier state for you to receive messages.

The trinity cross is a beautiful cross that I wear quite often ever since a dear friend gave it to me.  That design is from my friend’s father who lived in Switzerland years ago before his death.  When she gave it to me she said that the meaning of the cross is to, “Ask, Believe, and Receive.”  The cross lies right over your heart chakras and it always reminds me to ask, believe, and receive.  I’m sure you already know what I have asked for daily since the very morning Morgan passed…an investigation into her suspicious death.  Still to this day, 3 years later it hasn’t happened, but I know (I do believe) it will happen.  I have asked for an investigation to be opened, I believe it will happen and there will be arrests made, and I know there will be justice for Morgan.  I also believe when all this comes to pass that many changes on many different levels will happen…many other potential victims will never have to become victims and the world will be a little better because people believed in justice and fought for it.




2 thoughts on “Words from beyond…

  1. Oh I believe. It’s coming. love to you all. They made a stupid mistake setting up an illegitimate investigation of my children and I because while I had all that attention I put the truth out. Everything I have spoken to you of is true based on fact and years of research. Sadly many in my family have fallen prey. Whether these evil people will fall away or not I can’t know but as of now I raise the hammer and strike the rock of murder and stalking all day every day and wake up and do it all over again, the morning right there is the best time easiest to reach you to stay in your memory. Start keeping a dream journal or you will forget so fast. Love love and hope

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