Winter Solstice Starts Today…

Mogwai looking out Morgan's window

Mogwai looking out Morgan’s window

Today, December 21st is the first day of winter, as well as the winter solstice.  It is the shortest day with darkness being greater than the light.  After today our days start to get longer.


Morgan loved the snow, but she never made it to the first day of winter in 2011, as her life was cut short by the person that stole her life from her.  The last post she made on her Facebook page, the day before she was murdered was, “I love life!”  She was so excited because she knew the weather forecast predicted snow was on it’s way.  Within 24 hours of her murder the snow came.  All I could think of while watching it fall from the sky was that Morgan should still be here to see this.

Now, as I woke on the first day of winter, five years after that day in 2011, I realize the solstice represents a time to sit back, and reflect deeply.  It is about renewal, as well as gratitude for the coming light.  I am grateful for every single moment that I shared with Morgan during her short 20 years on this planet.

Wishing you all warm and cozy moments with the ones you love.  Every day we have with our loved ones is a gift that needs to be cherished.


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