Can I apologize on behalf of humanity?


“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi 

And with that being said I would like to share with you something a new supporter from Canada wrote.  It is beautiful, and to the point – I cried.  She hit it the nail right on the head…throughout this whole ordeal of trying to get justice for our precious daughter Morgan there have been many moments that I felt like giving up on humanity – but then I realized there are thousands of supporters that have written in to me over the years, and all of them are sickened by what happened to Morgan, and they all want justice.  I then understand this world really is made up of many more people that care than the few evil ones that have no soul…so I keep up the fight, knowing truth will win in the end, and evil will not prevail.  The small handful of people, coming on the Internet under many, many “anonymous/fake” accounts are intent on spreading lies and whipping people up in order to create doubt and confusion about Morgan’s case…these people are known by me…I also know they have an agenda.  They feel that people are too ignorant to ask questions or do the research to find the truth.  They feed off the population that only wants to read salacious headlines, but in reality this type of victim bashing happens more and more these days with the widespread use of the Internet.  Yes, it is wrong.  Yes, it destroys our humanity if we go down that path, but we all are given a choice in life, and sadly enough we can not choose humanity for people that don’t care.

This beautiful and profound soul wrote:

Dear Toni and Steve Ingram, First and foremost, my deepest sympathy to you both and also to your family. The depths of your loss is palpable in every word you’ve written on your blog. Just to imagine enduring such a tragedy takes my breath away and leaves me with a nearly unbearable ache inside. I have one child, a daughter, who is all too quickly approaching 15. I, like you, would hope to protect her with my dying breath. She is not perfect but she is wonderfully, uniquely ours and Morgan’s story makes me want to hide her away from the evil that exists in this world. I have a confession to make and I’m terribly ashamed. I have long considered true crime and unsolved mysteries, particularly missing persons, as my “hobby.” I started reading true crime novels in my early teens (long before there even was an internet) and since the advent of the IPad, I’ve frequented websites (usually Reddit) reporting crimes and I’ve delved deeper when I’ve needed more details when a story interested me. I have always been cognizant there is more to every story than posted, always hated sites like Websleuths where people purported to “know” the truth based on their (often limited) research and I have never, ever created an account in order to comment anywhere nor contacted someone as I am doing with you now. Still, it’s hard to gloss over the fact I was essentially entertaining myself while forgetting at the heart of every crime or mystery there are countless people suffering an unspeakable loss. I’m so sorry. Last week I was reading an old Reddit post that asked a question that garnered many, many responses. Something like “what is your unpopular opinion on how a crime occurred?” Of course, the answers contained loads of theories about Maura Murray or Jon Benet or even JFK. As I read through hundreds of comments, one line contained the name Morgan Ingram. I had never heard the name before and, out of curiosity, went on to google it. Thankfully, the first page I came to was the first day of Morgan’s stalking post. I read each of the posts as they were intended to be read, day by day and in depth. For two days, I couldn’t stop. I kept praying the ending would be different even though I already knew the outcome. For the record Toni, I applaud your ingenuity in relating the tale exactly as you did – any other format (such as a fact summary) would have been easier for people to glance over and forget. You invited people into the lives of you, Steve and Morgan, humanizing each of you and making them guests in your home and then, you let them feel the building terror and helplessness exactly as each of you felt it when it first happened. It became immediately apparent you had left a piece of yourself on every single page and my heart broke for your loss while inside I cheered for your resolve to find justice for Morgan. I’m fairly certain if I’d been in your shoes, I would have fallen to pieces and my precious girl’s death would have gone unpunished. While you haven’t found your justice yet, I have every confidence you will. After I’d finished reading your blog, I went back to the original google results. I wanted to read about the outrage everyone was surely feeling on Morgan’s behalf. What I found….Wow, just wow. Can I apologize on behalf of humanity? First, I read so many comments that adamantly declared Morgan committed suicide backed up by things that had already been addressed on your blog and were just factually untrue. These were people who very obviously hadn’t bothered to read what you had written and yet single-handedly had the whole thing figured out! They didn’t even bother to counter the evidence, they just pretended it didn’t exist at all. Assuming I was just looking in the wrong place, I changed my search terms and tried again. That’s when I found the deeper dregs of humanity. “Teamkeenan?, “Truthformorgan?” Seriously??? Not only did these strangers have it all solved, they also decided it was their civic duty to harass and slander your family and supporters despite the fact they didn’t even know Morgan in life??? I can’t even fathom the all-consuming obsession required to dedicate that amount of one’s time to something so counter-productive to truth, justice and basic human compassion. And what for? What does any of it have to do with these horribly inhumane and ignorant people who aren’t even personally involved?? Toni, I can only imagine the super-human strength you must need each morning to rise from your bed and resume your fight. The fact that there are such negative forces at work trying to drag you down makes me want to weep for you. I am disgusted and quite frankly baffled these people have inserted themselves as road bumps in your path to justice. While there are many attention seekers trying to exploit Morgan’s tragedy, I have to believe there are many more people like me who wouldn’t dream of commenting publicly without knowing all the facts yet are silently sending you positive thoughts and prayers. Between that and the countless signs from your beautiful daughter, may you continue to fight for that which you know in your heart to be true. Once justice has been served, the evil lies that have been perpetuated online will explode back in the faces of those who have told them. So if I’ve never before commented or sent condolences on any case I’ve ever read, what is different about Morgan? It’s you dear lady. You have put a human face to Morgan and eloquently captured her essence in your tributes to her and by sharing the tributes of others. I have been so unsettled since reading that first blog page and know something inside me has changed because of it. I can’t get it out of my mind and have even found myself mentally reciting the facts of the case as I go about my day and wondering how there are people who still cannot see the truth. I’ve shared Morgan’s story with my husband (who sympathizes with Steve the most as he said Steve did what Daddies do and then some but probably still feels like he could have done more – yet, how can GOOD people think like EVIL people in order to predict the next move??) and my daughter (who is now reading your account for herself) and yet it’s nowhere near enough. I do know for sure you’ve forever cured me of my “hobby.” I can never again read a second-hand account of any crime and believe I know even part of the truth nor can I ever again read such an account without thinking of the depths of the pain and suffering of those loved ones affected. I will simply have to “pull a Morgan” and teach myself to knit 😊 I’m sorry there is nothing I can do to be helpful. None of us have social media and I’m fairly certain petitioning from Canada won’t do one bit of good in Colorado 😞. If you can think of anything else though, I’m here! Beyond that I will keep following your blog and my family will keep sending positive thoughts and energy to your family along with our wish that justice for ❤️Morgan❤️ will soon be served!

To All The Families Still Fighting For Justice…

cloudsToday is Saturday, July 2, 2016.  I am overwhelmed by all the new information we keep receiving as to what was done to Morgan.  It is really hard not to be angry, furious, and sick to my stomach. Justice will come and I will never stop until that happens.  In the meantime I know I can not let it overwhelm me and take over every moment of my life, or else these sick people will have won again. Something I was warned about 5 months after Morgan was killed by someone who fought for 13 years before his family got justice for their son’s murder.  His son was deemed a missing person that whole time, even though his body had been found…that coroner kept insisting it was not his body, the coroner kept saying the body was that of a 15 year old Hispanic female, but no, it was an 18 year old white male.  Can you imagine the suffering that coroner caused?

As I sit here drinking my coffee I remembered a dream I had 4 years ago on Saturday, August 18th – 8 months after Morgan died.

I started to wake up this morning from a dream of Morgan walking down the driveway talking to Steve and I – she was so happy and said, “Mom why aren’t you happy this is my last semester of school.”  I looked at Steve and he said, “Don’t tell her – just pretend to be happy.”  I didn’t know what to do or say, which is not like me.  Then that dream just “switched” off in my head and Morgan’s voice came to me and said tell daddy I will send him a sign.  And then she said over and over again, very calmly, in a very convincing tone, “Heaven is inside you.”

Morgan is so strong, even on the other side.  She is still on her journey and teaching me things on a daily basis.  This is the source of the strength people keep asking me about. The strength to continue my journey, a journey that no parent should have to undertake fighting against corrupt and lazy people, those who chose to cover up Morgan’s murder.  And now after working with so many families over the years that are going through similar situations with ineffective coroner’s and law enforcement I realize this is my path – changes need to be make.  They need to care.  They need to do the job they were hired to do.  Families are NOT going to just give up and turn away from the truth…it’s hard, it’s painful, and yes, many will turn away, but so many now are fighting back with the truth, and the facts, and working on getting someone in the government to listen to them.

Some of these cases have taken years, but they have gotten justice…as will Morgan. So those of you that were involved, and you know who you are, as do I, we are still coming for you, and time has been on our side, just as the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) told us in 2013.


Angel numbers & Owls…


On Wednesday, June 15th I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning. Mind racing. That is when I asked Morgan for a sign that she was here. Frustrated I got out of bed searching for my phone and what do I see right when I turn it on 11:11 – angel numbers. So I said, “Hello Morgan so happy you gave me a sign. Miss you angel.”

Over the years when I started to really trust in the signs I was being given I could recognize them every single time.  Then recently I had been walking the dogs down the street in the middle of the day when I heard something fly by me.  I looked up and the most beautiful owl was flying right past me, just about 6 feet above the ground, flying straight down the middle of the street.  I couldn’t believe it!  Probably because I had never seen an owl around that area, had never seen an owl during the day flying around, and even more than all of that it was strange to see an owl fly so close to me (as though it wanted to make sure I saw it) while I was walking two dogs.  Anyway, for some reason I had a very strong sense that it was a message from Morgan, but I had no idea what it was about. owl

Then while I was speaking to one of my good friends she mentioned Morgan was coming through to her showing her an owl…what?  Yes, an owl and I had not even mentioned my owl encounter with my friend yet.  Then to top it off another friend said he had been seeing owls recently every time he was thinking about Morgan.  So now I was really trying to figure out what Morgan was trying to convey, but to no avail.  Sigh – so I asked Morgan to please let me know the meaning of the owl.

My grandson & granddaughter came to visit and I did not share with them about the owl.  Then on Friday morning, June 17th, our 7 year old granddaughter woke up all smiles.  She said she had a dream that she was doing a sleep-over at her friends house and she saw stuffed OWLS in every room of her friend’s house.  She thought they were really cool – then just before her and her friend were going to bed she heard music.  She asked her friend where the music was coming from.  Her friend said, “Behind the curtain.”  She walked towards the curtain and peeked behind it and saw a disco ball turning and lights flashing with OWLS dancing and having a party.  It was crazy she said, but looked like a big celebration…she said it made her happy.

I now know this was a sign from her Aunt Morgan to let us know what the owls meant…there is going to be a celebration!  Yippee, Morgan was able to let us know through her favorite little niece.  I love my family.  Now I am hoping it is the celebration we have all been waiting for…justice for Morgan 🙂



Another case of obsession – not unlike Morgan’s

real human beings do to each otherMorgan was 19 years old when she became the object of obsession – to more than one person. And because there was more than one person involved involved in her stalking I have been officially told that it is considered a “gang stalking.”  Those involved in her stalking were also involved in her murder, and yes we know who they are.

Morgan was killed less than 4 months after turning 20, by those same individuals that were obsessed with her.

I recently came across the following story about another young woman, only 21 years old, who also had her whole life ahead of her, and also became the object of an obsessed killer, a 24-year- old man that she knew – she was missing for over a week, was strangled with a belt and her fingertips cut off with a bolt cutter.  Can you even imagine?  She was murdered by a person she had known since she was a child.

It is horrifying, just as it is extremely outrageous in Morgan’s case that those in power have sought to cover up Morgan’s murder, but luckily for the family in the case of Jessica White there was no cover up – her murderer confessed, and the police had not previously “closed the case” as they had in Morgan’s case.  Having to go through the grief and pain of losing a child to violence is indescribable, and my heart goes out to Jessica’s parents.  I wanted to share this information with all of you because I don’t want you to believe people when they try to convince you that young people are not capable of such heinous crimes…because they are, and it happens too often when these young people have mental issues and become obsessed.  The National Center for Victims of Crimes states:

  • Persons aged 18-24 years experience the highest rate of stalking.
  • Over 85% of stalking victims are stalked by someone they know.
  • 54% of femicide victims reported stalking to police before they were killed by their stalkers.

The article reads, “For unknown reasons, McClanahan (Jessica’s murderer), accompanied by his father, surrendered to Troy police Tuesday night. Police Detective Joe Lowry said McClanahan admitted he had “lied” and Wilson “was dead and her body wrapped in a tarp in the attic.”  Based on that information police found Jessica’s body.

MONSTERS…yes, they are real and they live among us


When Morgan was growing up she only wanted to see the good in people…she was not naive by any means, but she was a kind and gentle soul, and was very trusting of people.  She wanted to see only the beauty in the world, so she did ignore the dark side, she thought by staying away from sketchy people she would be able to avoid their dark side.  I only wish now that I could have shown her, that in reality evil people that are capable of doing horrible things, things like were done to her, do live among us, and they do sometimes look like our neighbors, and they can still cause great harm…

Ponder this for a moment. More than 211,000 homicides that have been committed since 1980 remain unsolved – a body count greater than the population of Des Moines, Iowa. That figure is not readily apparent in the U.S. Department of Justice’s annual estimate of killings considered cleared through arrest, but if you do a little digging you will read that Scripps News reveals it.  And the sad truth is that homicides are less likely to be solved today than they were 40 years ago.  So unlike the TV shows that are so popular today – you know the ones that show murder cases solved in 60 minutes – in reality that does not happen very often – in fact if it does happen it is front page news.

There are states that don’t even report their homicide statistics to the federal government so those numbers are not in the statistics.  In fact, in 2015 a serial murderer was finally arrested…he had been actively killing since the 1990’s.  Now that is the reality that this country faces.  We need law enforcement agencies and all states to accurately report their homicide cases and we need a national database so we can have a fighting chance of catching these monsters.

Our beautiful, sweet Morgan was then gone without a case – a victim that died during an active felony stalking investigation, her death said to be a mystery the day she died by the sheriffs, and yet there was NO actual investigation other than a autopsy with false information, false information that was never corrected when brought to the coroner’s attention.  So Morgan’s murder is not even a number in the cold case statistics, but the evidence proves she was murdered, so how many REAL cold case murders are there in this country?  It could be even more staggering than the statistics show.

I believe this is how murderers get away with murder, and this is why we have so many unsolved cold cases in this country – with the number growing greater every year.  And don’t think for one moment in time that all murderers are older, creepy looking men…no, they come in all ages, genders, and looks.  They can even be the innocent looking teenage girl down the street.