At least next time use the right laws – #Stalking


Morgan, as we all did, tried so hard to carry on with her life throughout her stalking.  She walked her puppy, visited with friends and went to school, that last semester when everything is just about taken care of, and you have to take only a few classes, but then you also take fun classes, pointe ballet, and jazz dance, just for the workout, and release, that was what Morgan did.

We all lived in a bubble where we thought the apprehension of the criminal would ultimately be by the Sheriff’s Department.  And as I look through report after report I see a problem with the approach – it goes like this.

After four months of stalking, Keenan would have been facing these charges:

  1. Third degree criminal trespass – (petty offense)
  2. Harassment (repeated communication at inconvenient hours) – (misdemeanor)
  3. Stalking – (felony)

Keenan already has two priors of criminal trespass, and it did little to stop him, because here he was, right back at it again.

Others – both Garfield officers and Private Investigators have suggested different laws enacted to deal with the crimes that were being committed, using those laws would have given the investigation more teeth, seriousness, and more chances for success, specifically:

  1. Felony Vandalism – being championed by one of the Deputies (felony)
  2. Invasion of privacy for Sexual Gratification – A sex crime which can start as a misdemeanor, and escalate to a felony.
  3. And Felony Stalking (felony)

Laws which allow for early confrontation and quicker arrest, before the crime escalates.  Read through the crime logs from any agency and I guarantee you will not see many arrests, arraignments, and high (serious) bails based on the charge of “third degree criminal trespass.”  It is a joke at best.  If you ever find yourself or anyone you love in a situation such as Morgan’s, ask about the laws, ask your victims rights coordinator about the laws, even research the laws yourself.  If the laws that relate to what is going on are not being employed, demand to know why.  Steve and I did not.  We left it all in the hands of the Sheriffs and that was a big mistake.  They of course did not want to see Morgan die, but they also were not prepared to protect us against the level of threat we were facing.

Once you have a suspect, I suggest you name him as the suspect that he or she is.  It is important for your friends and neighbors to know, who the suspect is and how dangerous is he considered!  Just so you all know I am not carelessly throwing out names, I will print a brief exchange that took place between Sheriffs concerning the suspect Keenan, and his father:

Subject of Narrative: Suspect Interview with lead Felony Stalking Sheriff’s Detective, Keenan VanGinkel

On November 16, 2011, I overheard dispatch notifying the zone one deputies to contact Wade VanGinkel reference his son being a suspect in a case.  The dispatcher advised that Wade wanted to know if there was a case open against his son.  I noted that Keenan, Wade’s son, is a suspect in this case.

I contacted Wade who was at the Sheriff’s office when he made the call to dispatch.  I offered to Wade that I could meet him and Keenan at around 1600 hours that day.  Wade told me that he had heard from his son that Keenan was being accused of stalking a girl.  Furthermore, Wade said that there was somebody on threatening him.  Wade also said that he heard that there were some deputies at City Market, El Jebel, looking for Keenan.

This, of course, is the stalking that, James Harris, Brooke Harris’ father did not know was happening on the Dr. Phil episode and “wished we had told him.”  Actually Brooke did not speak up to correct her father about the stalking, the stalking that Brooke had heard there was video evidence that exonerated her boyfriend Keenan.  I’ve come across four instances of Keenan referring to this “video evidence that exonerated,” day when he “heard about an incident” but he was in Texas so it could not have been him.

Also, I have heard that you do not have to go out into the wild web very far to read that there are people stating now that there was never a stalking, either Morgan or me made it all up.  Does this mean if I pretend hard enough that Morgan will not be murdered?  Unfortunately I know all to well that this is not possible.  What practical purpose in the search for truth this pretending there was not a stalking serves is beyond me.  I lived through it, day by day, Morgan did her best to be brave and persevere, right up until she was killed.  Morgan’s stalking and murder was every bit the nightmare I hopefully have portrayed it to be.  And it obviously was very, very real.  Lastly, I have been assured that NOBODY has been cleared of the crimes committed against Morgan and our family.

Meanwhile it seems now that back then everyone knew who the stalker was, James Harris named Keenan as the stalker.  Brooke Harris told Steve and I in person that she “heard there was video evidence that exonerated her boyfriend Keenan.”  Very poignant choice of words “exonerated”, by the way, because it specifically means you were convicted and then later found not to be guilty.  This was in response to the videotaped march of an as of yet unidentified perp around our house.  Unfortunately for the best laid plans of those involved, most everyone who has seen the full video agrees it is a female, and all other images of the stalker are male.  Keenan names Brooke as the potential stalker.  And if you remember our neighbor Elliott, he thought the stalker, at least one of them, was James Harris.

The argument referred to by Keenan’s father Wade, on can be found on this post from December 28, 2012 excerpts from Facebook “threats” read what Keenan has to say, and you tell me if he does not give indications of knowledge and guilt, because I think that he does.

So you can see that I name names, but everyone else is also naming names.  Actually everyone else seems to have a person to point fingers at, anyone but themselves.  Horrors for Morgan, and after her death, casts of characters all employing their own form of protection…Internet Cyber Stalking and Trolls.

Crimes were committed, horrific crimes were committed.  Situations such as Morgan and our family faced can quickly get out of hand.  The two weeks surrounding her death contained so many little events.  Taken together they point very strongly to a seriously increased danger for a victim in Morgan’s place.  And they also point strongly to the potential for an act of desperation on the part of the perps.  The lead detective even forecast it.  There has been over a year, and a half on the part of Steve and I, and so many others with far more expertise to piece it all together on a timeline.  It was all too real, and it is the truth, I will defend that fact under oath in any court in the land.

But that is not the real reason I’m writing this today.  It is for all of the victims that might happen across this and find some good advice, or a frightening parallel.  To know the true dangers of stalking, how one day we were just a happy family planning our next outing, and the next day we were victims of stalking, and a peeping tom, who turned our lives upside down.  How one day our Detective warned that he thought the stalking was going to escalate, and three days later Morgan was dead.  How out of control it becomes.  How everything you ever planned, or dreamed of is suddenly changed forever.  Steve and I will never get to give Morgan a beautiful wedding like her sister had, we will never get to play with the grandchildren she was planning on sharing with us, we will never ever get another hand squeeze that meant “I love you” from her, we will never get to hear about what her next big adventure was to be, because we no longer have Morgan with us on this earth – we will suffer her loss until the day we die.

I never want any of this to happen to another girl, another family when the resources and the knowledge exist to prevent it.  As always – in Morgan’s memory, and honor – I wish for you to have the awareness and knowledge we did not to keep you all safe from such tragedy.

24 thoughts on “At least next time use the right laws – #Stalking

  1. A couple of young girls were abducted in Des Moines, Iowa. The police are searching for them furiously, using helicopters, local and state cops, volunteers. They even put up notices on the electronic signs on the highways. They know that time is of the essence. Law Enforcement has come a long way in how they respond to these abductions. I believe that one day they will have a well thought out plan to respond to stalking too as legislators and the public continue to press for change. I don’t think I will ever benefit from this change though. It just seems to be far into the future, but at least every time a stalking victim tells her story (or his), it moves our society one step closer to better police responses, and better understanding by society as a whole. So, I thank you for continuing to tell Morgan’s story though I am sure it must be painful. It will not only hopefully bring about justice, but bring about improved police responses to stalking in America and greater understanding by those who have never been stalked.

    • I wish for all those things you talk about in your last sentence, and I pray they find those young girls as soon as possible. Thanks Catherine.

  2. I have noticed in a couple of your posts you mentioned your detective predicted an escalation in the case, do you think he stated this because of a tip or lead he was given or maybe just his gut feeling? I personally think he may have been info, I was just wondering what your thought was about his remark. Gosh, there are so many pieces and unanswered questions, I hope and wish the best for you and your family.

    • I really don’t know – if you want my feelings on the matter I would have to say I think he heard or read something, but didn’t share it with us, and that is probably why the night she was murdered the patrols were ramped up and the officers were actually shining there searchlight on our roof for the first time (completely different than patrols before) – we did not know this until very recently when looking through the cameras to put together as accurate a timeline of the days surrounding Morgan’s death for an investigator. Also, when recently reviewing the Sheriff’s reports we read that the lead Detective had told James Harris about the upcoming interview at the Sheriff’s station with Morgan – the investigator we spoke with said this was a rookie mistake, one that I am sure was not intentional, but could have been fatal…no one knows what sends a perp over the edge.

  3. Hi anonymous, I was wondering the same thing about that comment. I almost wonder if that cop is the dangerous link that is protecting the stalker / murderer. I wonder if it was an indirect threat. But then again, maybe it’s just what he knows about the nature of stalking in general. I just keep wondering if a cop was involved in all of this too. Every effort you made to protect Morgan and the strain it put on your whole family was something that delighted the stalker / murderer. So, he was nearby watching it all or listening with hidden microphones in my opinion. There is no way he was going to miss out on the emotional effects on your family. He’s still laughing and enjoying his power. He is so extremely dangerous and he will strike again. Sadly, there will be another victim. He has no reason to stop. He’s above the law or smarter than the law. (?) Or he is the law.

    • Detective Glassmire would not have threatened us – that’s something he would not do. Is there a connection to law enforcement or the Coroner’s office? That issue has been raised so many times I can’t tell you…all I can say is it would never have entered my mind until recently when I start to look back on how everything was handled. Many mistakes, or things made to look like mistakes? I don’t know, but I guarantee you I won’t stop until I find out.

      • I do believe, because I am a valley native, my great grandparents homesteaded in Snowmass, this may be a fairly large valley but it is small in the ties of who knows who much less related in some way, that the guilty are being protected by someone in our county government, maybe even our good ol sheriff himself, he certainly is protecting officers that botched this case, and his comment on the news that he would never
        Reopen the case was nothing short of arrogance, I think you and Steve have suffered a loss I can’t even imagine, but to be lied to and bullied by the ones who are here to “protect” is so disrespectful for you and your family.

        • Thank you for your comment – Morgan was born to us when we lived in Old Snowmass on the ranch that Steve built with his own two hands and Steve and I have been in this valley since the 70’s so it is so hard to comprehend for us. This is so very wrong, and we have to do something about it, and find out WHY they have treated Morgan and us like this, and stop it from happening again. Take care and thank you for commenting.

  4. Dear Toni and Steve,
    I have been following this heart wrenching story for many months, and, like so many, was hoping that one day the author would reveal this was just a well written fiction novel about this wonderful family torn apart by neighborhood psychopaths. Unfortunately that day never came and the reality of this tragedy sank in. I am so angered by the bumbling neglect you and Morgan endured from law enforcement and the forensic pathologist. What could have possibly been their agenda? If honest mistakes were made then they should own it, apologize, and do everything in their power to bring the people responsible to justice.
    I am the mother of two daughters, my youngest is 21. I have been blessed with two wonderful human beings that love life and all in it, so much like Morgan. They, as I, believe that there are more good in this world than bad. I understand your drive to seek justice and to honor your beautiful daughter. I would do exactly the same and not stop until I was satisfied. A loving parent finds the time and energy needed to do just that, and there is no stopping us. You are doing right for Morgan now and you have to know you did everything in your power to protect her then.
    I understand how angry and disappointed you must have felt when you realized so many things out of your control had gone wrong. I would think that it is almost impossible to not feel hate toward the people you know are involved. I truly believe that Brooke is responsible for the death of Morgan. I believe Keenan was present but the jealousy his pregnant girlfriend had toward Morgan was enough to fuel her craze. I am also convinced that he was the stalker and continues to be a stalker.
    The best weapon against evil is the positive thoughts that you can repeat in your mind and surround yourself with. Imagine scenarios just as you want them to play out in a positive way. Keep those positive scenarios rolling. The positive is happening already with the following of all of us believers and all the professionals that have stepped up to help. We are what we think about and that much we can control. Positive thoughts help to make positive actions in our lives. I know you must be so tired of lame advice by people that have no idea how you feel or any clue what you have experienced. Positive thoughts can’t change the past but can make the future more tolerable.
    I want you to know how sorry I am for your loss. I can only hope that one day you both find peace and the pain in your heart diminished by recalling the wonderful feeling that your daughter gave you everyday of her life. Don’t forget to love you!
    Blessings to you and your family, Trish

    • I just finished reading what you wrote Trish, and it was hard because I cried the whole time I read it out loud to Steve.

      It was very eloquent, and we both really appreciate it. I really do believe what you said about positive thoughts – I guess I just need to be reminded sometimes, and I thank you for reminding me. Morgan would be 21 right now, just like your youngest daughter, and I can “feel” Morgan reminding me that we have to stay strong, and hold our course for others like your daughter who should always be safe, and happy, and grow old with their families. I can tell from what you wrote that you are like us, and would do anything for your children – I love hearing that because your children will take that love into the world and keep it going…that is what will ultimately change this world for the better. Thank you so very much!

  5. It is very hard for people to understand stalking stories, if they have never been stalked. They think you are crazy and making it all up. It is a daily occurrence of bullying, harassing, terrorizing and destroying of another person’s life. It is a form of slow torture every single day.

    For people like Toni and Steve it is the ultimate form of torture. Their daughters stalking, ended in death and they have to live with that everyday, knowing the killer is still out there. Worse, they have a good idea who, the killer is, but the evidence cannot convict this person(s).

    So everyday they live in a community, with the person, that killed their daughter. How crazy is that? Very crazy. I know about crazy stalkers and it is a not a life, but utter hell every single day.

    Morgan was lucky to have Toni and Steve as parents, because my family took the side of the rich stalker. The liar, the alcoholic, the violently abusive, and wickedly evil man. The life I have lived is the greatest form of insanity, you could imagine.

    It is like being sent to war and becoming a POW. Then arriving home and not being welcomed, but being told what an evil person you are. My own father belongs in prison, along with my stalker. My hope like Toni and Steve’s, is someday that happens, sooner, than later.

    What I have been through has taught me, people like liars, people accept men who are married and cheat on their wives, people like destroying others, people believe the lies they tell and they become truth. My stalker lied to me about being married and he and the wife he lied about, have been entitled to terrorize my life together, for over ten years. These stalkers are the people my family thinks are decent human beings. Crazy, does not get any crazier. Down right evil.

    I use to be very religious, but today I don’t believe. The day I will believe in a god, will be the day justice prevails. Justice for me is seeing my stalker, father and all other major players, behind bars, where violently abusive people belong. May Morgan’s stalker(s) also find themselves behind bars, ASAP.

    • Thank you Lynn for sharing your story and supporting us…it is crazy to think about what it’s like to be stalked until it happens to you, and other people have a very hard time believing it. Stories of strength, like yours helps other victims know they are not alone and I truly believe if enough people hear these stories they will realize that we have a big problem (around the world) that need fixing – right now! Stalking damages people physically and mentally and just like years ago (and maybe still today in some instances) people don’t want to ‘hear’ about rape or child abuse or domestic abuse. They just turned a blind eye and made up excuses for it – just like in your case. But that has got to change – people need to know it could happen to their daughter, wife, mother, aunt, niece, cousin, friend, and on and on if we don’t all band together and say, “Enough is enough – this has to stop!”

      • You are right about people not wanting to hear about the pain and suffering of another, especially if they have played a part in it. They feel guilty.

        It is hard to explain to people that this could happen to them, or someone close to them, because they won’t believe it, until it happens.

        You are absolutely right, that stalking damages people, physically and mentally. I am not the same person and never will be. I use to be naive and gullible. Now I know, there are evil and wicked people in this world, that blatantly lie, terrorize and destroy.

        Stalking should be up there with murder. Because it is not a one time occurrence. It is a slow form of murder, daily, taking away your precious time, to deal with violent people. It is consistent bullying and harassing, that sometimes cannot be detected, that affects all areas of your life.

        When anyone is involved in terrorizing another individual on a daily or regular basis and destroying their life. Those people need to be held accountable for their actions. All of them, even if it is, your own father.

        It is sad to know, that Morgan’s life had to be cut short, because of evil people, that had nothing better to do with their lives, than terrorize a beautiful, ambitious, giving soul, who had so much to offer the world. She is gone and we are left with the wretches, that stole her life.

        Thank you for your communication. Because no one really can understand stalking, that has not been stalked. They all say get on with your life, when I have started over 1000’s of times in the last ten years.

        I want justice for Morgan’s stalker(s) and mine and may it happen sooner, than later.

        • Thanks Lynn for your comment – I hope that this blog will give other stalking victims somewhere they can go to tell their stories. I thought it might help them, but also help others going through something similar, or as an awareness to others as to what to watch out for. I can tell you that on a lot of levels that has worked. I run in to mother’s all the time now that have read the blog, and discuss it with their daughters and, from that they learn about the danger signs and what to do right away and how to try to stay safe.

          This world is still such a wonderful place and we don’t want our children to be paranoid but we want them to go into the world knowing as much as possible so they can have a wonderful life.

          Thanks again!

        • I want justice too. I want the people who have terrorized us all to be held criminally accountable. I believe that by telling our stories and using our names, we can open the eyes of those who have never been stalked and who have the power to affect change. We have the power to affect change by making legislators, average Americans, and law enforcement aware of what it’s like to be stalked. It’s hell. I agree with Lynn, that aggravated stalking should have consequences as serious as murder, even if it’s by proxy. People who participate in stalking / harassment should not be allowed to hold positions of leadership anywhere in our country and they should be considered a HATE GROUP in my opinion. I really believe that there are men (and women) who hate women and children and derive immense pleasure from harming women and children both physically and psychologically. I don’t know what the name of this HATE GROUP is, but it seems to be some kind of sadist hate group that hates women and children. It’s disturbing and should be recognized by the Justice Department as a HATE GROUP.

          • I agree Cathy – you should get justice too. No one should have to live through this. As far as a Hate group – I’m not so sure there is an organized group (I could be wrong) I think there are just bad people that get away with things like this because some law enforcement agencies do not believe, or care or whatever the reason, the criminals get to go on and on doing it again to women, children whomever they decide will be there victim and people have to stand up and tell law enforcement this is unacceptable – hold them to the law. The protection laws are there and getting better all the time now we just need law enforcement to follow them…

  6. Hi all, I didn’t download the StopaStalker App, but it looks like it’s about documenting the time and dates of the stalker’s actions. Just a reminder that that is what Nicole Brown Simpson did and she is dead. Also, the judge in O.J.’s trial did not allow her journal to be admitted into evidence! Documenting the stalker’s actions is “old school”. I hope the App does more than that! What we need are excellent hidden cameras that self record for at least 24 hours at a time any movement or sound, but only movement and sound, not everything. That would be a great tool for stalking victims!

    • We have downloaded it, and played with it Catherine, and there are a lot of helpful features such as recording instantly the time and location of an incident, as well as adding a picture, keeping track of potential witnesses, etc. I don’t think there is going to be a one app solution that solves it all, but I must say what you said about the WiFi cameras is very true – they are in my opinion extremely useful, and have worked in getting a conviction in some instances lately that I have heard about. I think if you are a stalking victim you need to be aggressive, and use all the tools at your disposal. We also have to change the way law enforcement, in some places, treat stalking victims – that is crucial!

  7. In my case, my stalker hacked into a camera I had set up on the Internet, so I don’t know that WiFi cameras are the answer. I think that what is needed for victims of stalking is a self contained mini camera that records onto itself disguised as something else in their environment and allows for lengthy recording of moving objects and sounds so you don’t have to go through hours of watching nothing. Maybe this is how the newer cell phones are? I think they can only record so many minutes. My cameras were always disabled in Pinellas County, Florida by my stalkers. I needed the help of The Geek Squad to set up a camera that sent images to my email, but that was hacked. I asked them if they could come in an unmarked car and they said no. Well, that advertised to my stalker that I was doing something electronic and he of course was going to find out what it was. The Geek Squad in Pinellas County shows up in a funky Geed Squad decorated car which is great for advertising, but not great for victims of stalking. This is why it’s important to talk about all aspects of being stalked so that people understand why you want them to come in a regular car without advertising. I really don’t believe there is anything I could have done without my stalker knowing, because I think he was probably a neigbhor or neighbors watching every move I made. And I suspect they were watching every move that your family made too. There was no possible way that you and Steve could have outsmarted them when you were already under surveillance by the stalker(s) probably long before the window harassment began. Any time you put up a camera, they knew it I would bet. And they knew where. This is why law enforcement needs a new strategy that recognizes that probably by the time they are called by a stalking victim, the victim and the cops are under surveillance by the stalker(s). Knowing that should change their approach.

  8. I hope someday that the Feds will give stalking victims new identities when it is impossible to escape the stalking or stalker. It’s such an extreme request because it means losing your entire family and everyone and everything you have ever known. It’s provided to witnesses in organized crime cases and that’s it. I just read that there are about 3 million stalking victims in the US. Some of them will never be able to escape their stalker or stalkers. I don’t know who is directing the stalking / hate toward me or why, but all I know is that since my divorce I have not been able to live anywhere without being stalked by people I don’t even know and would never hurt, but they surely seem eager to hurt me both physically and psychologically. I know this wouldn’t have been an option for Morgan, but for some of us it is the only way we will ever live a stalk free life. I urge our legislators to offer new identities to people who are victims of aggravated stalking lasting years with no end in sight because it’s a network of evil or even an individual who will not stop the harassment. I am the target of a network of evil that even includes medical professionals who think it’s fun to pyschologically harass patients, which in turn makes me wonder if they would also physically harm me. Can you imagine putting your life in the hands of medical professionals who think it’s fun to psychologically harass a patient? It’s scary. I never knew such a network of doctors existed, but they do! I wish that someone in journalism would find out what motivates them and write about them and what it’s like to be psychologically harassed by them. I wish someone would make a movie about what it’s like to live the life I have lived since our divorce, to not be able to find work, and to be followed state to state, to settle into a new home and state only for the stalking to start all over again. Also, they love to assault their victims with sound, high decible sound to cause pain that doesn’t leave marks.

  9. Today was an interesting day of stalking. The stalkers set up fake bird sounds that play near the parking lot of my apartment complex. It’s a technique that was used at 700 Starkey Road #213, Largo, Florida 33771 the Villas of Forestbrook too curiously. I am guessing that whoever has been trespassing in my apartment, set up the popping noises in my drywall, is the same person who set up the fake bird sounds outside. It’s an interesting form of harassment isn’t it? First they torture you with high decible sound through the phone line, then they use fake bird sounds that are loud and repetitive and annoying, not like real birds. Also, these bird sounds do not happen anywhere else in town or at the state park. Isn’t that interesting? You know why? Because they aren’t real birds. They are fake bird sounds maybe like those used in hunting? I don’t know. I just know that sound harassment is a BIG part of organized crime’s methodology. And I just wonder when someone in the media or law enforcement will publicly address it. Probably long after I am gone. I still keep thinking Morgan was subjected to this remote controlled sound harassment just like me, but I guess we’ll never know. The nice thing about being in the hospital for almost two weeks is that I wasn’t subjected to this harassment. They are going to continue to harass me until I move and they will continue to escalate the nature of the crimes against me until I leave. But, I’m not leaving. You know why? There is nowhere to go. They will just do the same thing again in the next place. They will contact several neighbors willing to go in on it and pay them for participating. There is no point in moving again. All my neigbhors are not harassing me, only several that I can tell. They are the few that organized crime has hired to harass me. In fact, I believe that it took a month to get my apartment ready only because organized crime wanted to place people in just the right location where they could easily continue their harassment. I suspect someone was paid well to arrange this. I can’t ever compete with the money of organized crime. I can’t ever be free from their harassment and assault. They are going to kill me one way or another and never face justice for any of the crimes against me. Why? Because they are protected by law enforcement.

    • Catherine I’m sure some people reading what you wrote will think it is so extreme that it didn’t happen, but when you are a stalking victim (especially for as long as you have been) you become hyper-aware, hyper-vigilant, unlike most of the rest of the population so everything is suspicious and it should be because once you let your guard down it could be the one time they get to you…I know that all too well and so do all the other stalking victims that read this blog. I pray that you get some help with your ordeal as soon as possible – no one should have to live like that.

  10. There’s not a day I don’t remember Morgan, I still feel such sorrow for the bad ending after months of horror. What really gets to me is how people can go on with their daily lives, who claim to have been her true friends. Something needs to happen soon because everyone in this valley has already fallen back into the idea this valley is safe, I am sure something will happen again. Those responsible need to be shown justice for the interruption of so many lives, and the ending of one.

    • It is a great fear of mine. That it is happening. What a disastrous punctuation mark to Morgan’s death should the events be repeated with all of the same ineffective deterrents still unchanged in place!

I welcome your feelings and ideas on Morgan's Stalking