View of the berm showing the trail the stalker made – see the red arrow? Thanks to one of our readers


Question from our reader who made this photo (thanks!) was: On the attached image I marked where I see the trail with a red arrow. Are there two trails or just one?

Answer: There were two distinct trails…the one you marked was the most used trail, but as we found over time this stalker constantly changed things up.  As my husband would “set a trap” based on what the stalker did yesterday, the stalker would manage to change what he did the previous day, just enough to throw everything off.  I think you can also see quite clearly the trail worn in along the top of the berm. If you can see this from a satellite just imagine how clear it was standing there looking at it in real life. Also on some mornings we could see trails of footprints in the grass and they always led straight to one of these trails.

12 thoughts on “View of the berm showing the trail the stalker made – see the red arrow? Thanks to one of our readers

  1. Yes, Haunting is the perfect word. Chills down my back, my heart is racing just reading this story, I cant imagine going through it.

  2. I see that the line from the back of your house could lead out the backside of the houses to the main road. I also see two houses at the start of the cul-de-sac on the right where a strong path comes in. You can see the clear untouch straight grass, then the dominate lines from walking. You cannot see this dominate line in the back of your neighbors yards either. Like along the back of the houses. Hard to describe.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t ever imagine of having to ever have to go through this. I have 3 beautiful children of my own and I am a constant mother bear. I am thankful I clicked on this thru facebook otherwise I would have never of known of this!

  3. Bear Trap = Covered with brush with a chain strapped to a tree = In pain and alive.. It’s obvious he was on that trail enough to take it for granted.. Begin running down it, or walking quickly or using it to escape. I’ve only read this far and in no way can i imagine the mindset of the time of the pebbles hitting the windown.. but what about a flood light aimed directly at the worn path.. and turning it on there instead of running directly outside .. at least seeing the way he escapes. Which may not do any good I suppose and this is all 20-20 hindsite.. I wish I could have helped in every way possible.. I’m so sorry for your loss

  4. I came across your blog today. I am so so incredibly sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine. I agree, this image, knowing what you’ve gone through, is haunting. May God have His vengeance on that monster!

    • Thank you Hilary – in my own opinion I know God knows what happened, is happening and will happen and if not on this earthly plane there will be justice on the next. We just want to make sure it happens here, so things change in the way things are handled in the future, and other lives are saved.

    • Curious – no, the trail had never been there before, and we had lived there for years – it was new – the Sheriff’s all saw it, agreed that it looked like the trail being worn in be a person or persons and acted very concerned about it but that was all that ever happened with the trail. The other curious thing was that after my blog came out with the blog about the trail the whole berm was mowed right down to the dirt. IT was never mowed in the six years we lived there and never before as far as I know. It had wild grasses and wild flowers lots of mature Shasta Daisies on it – even after the big fire before Morgan’s stalking that made everyone evacuate the neighborhood and the ranch behind our house and the berm was partially burned up to the middle of our back yard it still was never mowed the following summer but then after this blog posted the picture of the berm it was MOWED. What does that tell you?

  5. I can see the trail in red, and what looks like trail curving in between the trees to the top of the photo. And a trail near the gray parallel to it. I am not a map reader though and I don’t know what else those two others could be but the one through the back yard of your house is obvious.

  6. I happened to find this in passing. I was looking on google earth and there is a clear line that leads from the paths over the dirt to a parking lot off to the right. The warehouse buildings. Maybe he parked his car there and walked.

I welcome your feelings and ideas on Morgan's Stalking